
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bluecrowne - a new novella by Kate Milford

cover art for "Bluecrowne", written by Kate Milford

Amazing author Kate Milford started a Kickstarter campaign to self-publish a new companion short novel to her Young Adult novel series.

I was very honored to illustrate the cover for this novella, entitled „Bluecrowne“, fantastic designer Miwako Feuer designed the title font and interior of the book.

And: a group of young artists will be hired to illustrate a special digital edition! (For the last companion book "The Kairos Mechanism", 15 young artists between the ages of 11 and 20 created 18 works of art.) Please check it out!

back vignette for the cover of "Bluecrowne"


  1. Your artwork for this cover is absolutely stunning - love it.
